This campaign exposes exactly what these people think of the average American: dumber than a doorknob and easily influenced by shiny objects
Re-posted from the Canada Free Press By Klaus Rohrich —— Bio and Archives—June 16, 2020
This piece of disinformation sounds like it was written by Bert and Ernie of the Muppets: CHINA WARMS TO FOUR MORE YEARS OF TRUMP PRESIDENCY, published by Bloomberg News yesterday. The article claims that numerous high-level “Chinese officials” are thinking that a Biden presidency would be detrimental to Beijing’s interests.
Where to begin?
Why not start with the name, ‘Bloomberg,’ as in Michael, failed Mayor of the Big Apple and failed presidential candidate for the Democrat Party nomination, avowed mortal enemy of Donald Trump and oh, yes, owner of the Bloomberg business empire, publisher of Bloomberg News.
And just like a singing troupe of parrots
Bert: “Those Chinese leaders are really scared of Joe Biden!”
Ernie: “They know if he becomes President, he’ll get the whole world to gang up on China because he’s such a keen, decisive and articulate leader.”
Another good place to look is at the Chinese Communist Party, whose ‘summertime and the livin’ is easy’ treatment from the Obama Administration, now wants to portray Biden as their worst nightmare in hopes of getting American voters to switch to Biden. It’s called ‘reverse psychology’ in some circles and ‘psychological warfare’ in others, but one would have to be pretty sappy to fall for it.
Lest we forget that Dopey Joe was number two in command in the Obama Administration.
Zhou Xiaoming, a former Chinese trade negotiator, is quoted in the article as saying, “If Biden is elected, I think this could be more dangerous for China, because he will work with allies to target China, whereas Trump is destroying U.S. alliances.” And just like a singing troupe of parrots, “four Chinese officials” echoed that sentiment.
They even had room to introduce some reality as the article goes on to quote Zhou “I don’t think the election will change the relationship in a fundamental way. The deep feeling in the U.S. is that the U.S. should contain China. Whether Trump wins, or Joe goes to Washington, things will get worse.”
As indeed one would expect, given that China has just infected the entire planet with a novel new virus.
MSM, whose lies, disinformation and anti-American provocations, have become ever more strident
Another sector that would benefit greatly from this disinformation campaign is the Washington Establishment, Democrat or Republican, who see Donald Trump as a rogue wave that undermines the sand on which their castles are built. Just imagine, Chuck Schumer, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi, Stacy Abrams and the majority of the old-time Washington insiders looking to depose Trump over the past three and a half years, likely now see this as their last chance to nullify the Donald Trump Phenomenon. If I were a part of this cabal, I’d latch onto that straw in a New York minute, in hopes of returning to what was ‘normal’ in 2016.
Finally, there is the so-called MSM, whose lies, disinformation and anti-American provocations, have become ever more strident in their calls to turn the Ship of State around. Their hopes are that a Biden victory will finally put ‘paid’ to the Trump Phenomenon and return to the days when no one in Washington gave a hoot about fly-over country or the deplorables living in it. If they can convince enough Americans that China is seriously afraid of Biden, then just maybe they can convince enough Americans fed up with China’s antics to swing the vote to Dopey Joe.
In any case, this campaign exposes exactly what these people think of the average American: dumber than a doorknob and easily influenced by shiny objects. Let’s hope this wishful thinking continues through election day, when Americans can decide on their own which candidate would provide a better future.