That society, sadly, is a herdable society. Sheeple to the slaughter
Re-posted from the Canada Free Press By Mark Gray —— Bio and Archives—June 10, 2020
At its base, privilege is the right to do things others can’t and it’s important we understand the nature of that right is ideological, not colour. The ideology at play is power, the right to rule over others. We are in the middle of a war between good and evil and right now, evil owns privilege.
Politicians have the privilege of writing laws that govern those who fall under their authority. Power, when controlled by weak character, corrupts that privilege in at least three ways. When laws are passed without honest debate, when politicians exclude themselves from laws society is subject to, and when politicians create special privileges for themselves. Think gun control, taxes, and pensions. In each case, they’ve abused their privilege to place themselves above the rest of us and in doing so become totalitarian rulers, not humble servants, of the people.
“Experts” enjoy massive privilege in today’s world in that they’re work guides public policy. The fact that they’re models produce pure fiction or their expertise is at odds with reality is irrelevant. What matters is their momentary usefulness to an acceptable narrative that serves to regain, grow, or maintain political power. Recently, Politico, cited a “consensus” (because if climate has taught us anything, a consensus means truth) that projected U.S. May job losses in the range of 7.8 million. In reality, the economy added 2.5 million jobs. The extraordinarily wrong “consensus” maintain their privileged status only because they are ideologically correct, but with experts like that, who needs idiots? Laura Ingraham gives them their due in this clip.
Ingraham’s clip was removed or blocked
Riots Were The Goal
The media enjoy more privilege than most in our society. Their credentials provide access to celebrities, pro athletes, and politicians that we peons can only envy. More so, it is the media that grants “experts” their privilege by determining which “expert” is ideologically reliable and which is a denier.
However, their greatest privilege is the right to speak, to share views that influence the entire country. It grants them profound power so any time they push a narrative other than truth they are abusing that great privilege and betraying those that trust in them.
Regardless of George Floyd’s numerous stints in jail, Officer Chauvin’s knee to the neck was an obvious abuse of power. It was ugly and unnecessary but it wasn’t automatically racist and certainly not proof of “systemic racism”.
However, that is exactly how the media deceitfully portrayed it and that betrayal of truth helped spark the violent riots that spread across the country. Think about the vile consequences. Numerous black owned businesses were looted, trashed, and burned. Several black people were assaulted and some, like David Dorn, murdered in cold blood.
The media deliberately conflated Chauvin’s abusive actions with systemic racism. That intentional decision incited the riots, and in the end managed to associate the destruction of black owned businesses and murder of black people with George Floyd’s name. It is hard to imagine greater disrespect for his memory.
Why do violent groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street enjoy widespread support from the media , certain politicians
The riots were obviously well funded, highly organized, co-ordinated operations. Ask yourself why violent groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and Occupy Wall Street enjoy widespread support from the media and certain politicians. Seriously, take a moment to think about it.
If you’re having difficulty putting it all together, try looking at it from an ideological perspective. Antifa, BLM, and Occupy groups would be the militant arms of the progressive ideological movement. The media are the narrative controlling propagandists, and the Democrats (Liberals/NDP/Greens in Canada) serve as the political arm that rubber stamps the ideological program into law. They all work in concert to push the same agenda: gun control, speech control, and a politicized police force. It is about power, and they are riding the media’s progressive privilege to silence dissent to make it happen.
It is difficult to accept that media deceit is intentional because then one must accept that the negative consequences of that deceit—the riots, economic shutdowns, citizen lockdowns, speech suppression, gun confiscation—are also intentional. This means that the vile destruction of property, lives, and freedom is the media’s desired goal and that is a reality too ugly for most to accept. Unfortunately, awakening to that fact is exactly what needs to happen if we are to live in liberty. It still may happen, particularly if Trump is re-elected.
A society that blindly kneels before a lie. A society that is woke to the core but asleep at the switch is an unquestioning, incurious, unthinking society
We need to rise from our deliberately induced climate and COVID comas to see deceit for the evil it is. There are several sides to every story but only ever one reality. When the media censors or silences people it isn’t done in support of reality, it is done in support of an agenda. Censorship is deceitful because, like a lie, it causes perceptions to detach from the underlying reality. The net effect is to create an ignorant, delusional society out of smart people.
An ignorant society is an exploitable society. A delusional society, a dangerous one. That society is willing to enslave itself. It demands the healthy be quarantined. It forgoes its right to work and accepts economic doom for themselves and their neighbors. It is a society that blindly kneels before a lie. A society that is woke to the core but asleep at the switch. It is an unquestioning, incurious, unthinking society.
That society, sadly, is a herdable society. Sheeple to the slaughter.