Barack Obama-led 2nd Revolution: Insurrection through Anarchy

Re-posted from the Canada Free Press By Judi McLeod —— Bio and Archives—June 6, 2020

Will Saturday, June 6, 2020 go down in history as ‘The Day the White House went Down’?
Will today be the day that anarchist rioters, masquerading as George Floyd “mourners” attempt to break into the White House with intentions to drag the President of the United States out of it?
Storming the White House
Wasn’t storming the White House the closest to their hearts intention of the ganged-up-with-the-media, hate-driven Democrats, all along?
Were they only holding back for an opportune moment like the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police to unleash rioting mobs on city streets in a burn-down America frenzy, to cap off their 3-year strategic coup?
• Behind Burning City Protests, Barack Obama’s New Army
• Burning America Is On Barack Obama & His Rolling Coup
• America Dealing With Insurrection, Not Media-Described Unrest
Tomorrow in Washington DC is gonna be awesome! ONE MILLION protesters bellowing out #BlackLivesMatter to the dictator-in-chief who’ll be cowering as usual in his bunker. The true power of America – the People.
— Chris Wright * (@chriswright35) June 5, 2020
In essence, some reporters are activist sidekicks to activist Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser who had the words “Black Lives Matter” painted in ginormous bright yellow letters on the street leading to the White House, media described as a “highly visible of the local government’s embrace of protesters that has put it further at odds with President Donald Trump”.
How about it “putting it at odds” with every American-loving patriot confined to home Lockdown by senior levels of government, known as Democrat governors?
“Mayor Muriel Bowser said the painting by city workers and local artists that spans two blocks is intended to send a message of support and solidarity to Americans outraged over the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis.” (Breitbart, June 6, 2020)
Given the rioting that followed this year’s Memorial Day, where’s the message that America will remain stable, standing strong in the face of anarchy?
“The letters and an image of the city’s flag stretch across the entire width of 16th Street to the north of Lafayette Square. The mural ends near St. John’s Episcopal Church, where Trump staged a photo op on Monday after officers in riot gear fired tear gas and charged demonstrators to make way for the president and his entourage.(Breitbart)
“A sign now identifies that section of 16th Street near the White House as “Black Lives Matter Plaza.”
Barack Obama-led 2nd Revolution in which Insurrection through Anarchy
“It comes as the mayor has sparred with Trump over the response to the protests and as D.C. prepared for a demonstration on Saturday that was expected to bring tens of thousands of people into a city still under coronavirus restrictions.”
How can Washington (and other cities) still be “under coronavirus restrictions” with millions of people out demonstrating on the streets?
“We know what’s going on in our country. There is a lot of anger. There is a lot of distrust of police and the government,” the mayor said at a news conference. “There are people who are craving to be heard and to be seen and to have their humanity recognized. We had the opportunity to send that message loud and clear on a very important street in our city.” (Breitart)
This is not a replay of the Battle of Bunker Hill, Madam Mayor when on June 17, 1775, early in the Revolutionary War, the British defeated the Americans at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Massachusetts.
It’s the new Barack Obama-led 2nd Revolution in which Insurrection through Anarchy is taking priority.
Complaining bitterly about the so-called heavy handed federal response to the protests, it was Bowser who called for the removal of out-of-state National Guard troops.
King George III would pin a medal on her chest, were he still among us.
“She says the differences with the Trump administration highlight the need for the District of Columbia to be a state and have more control over its affairs. They may also reflect the fact that Trump is deeply unpopular in the district, where Democrat Hillary Clinton won about 90% of the vote in the 2016 presidential election.” (Breitbart)
“In recent days, thousands of demonstrators have marched peacefully between the White House, Capitol and Lincoln Memorial. Volunteers make their way through the mostly masked crowds offering spritzes of hand sanitizer, free water and snacks.
“Washington DC Mayor Bowser announced on Thursday she was examining every legal question about the Presidents’ authority to send troops, even National Guard from other states, to the District of Columbia. (Gateway Pundit)
“Mayor Bowser said, “I have the authority and have not requested guard from any state.”
“The DC Mayor then later evicted ALL NATIONAL GUARD from any Washington DC hotel.
“On Sunday night leftists defaced the WWII Memorial and Korean War Memorial and torched a 200-year-old church.”
Patriots, it’s Saturday morning with one million protesters reported to be on the march in your nation’s capitol.
Do you know whether the president and his family are safe from harm?
Wherever the president is, thanks to desperado Dems, he’s living in hostile territory.
If not today, ‘peaceful’ protesters will likely any day soon storm the White House, driven by long-standing ill will.
Time for patriots to storm Heaven with their most fervent prayers.