Re-Posted from DEC 1, 2020 AT 9:29 AM, Don’t Be a Baby, Be An American
I heard Montana leads the nation when it comes to mask wearing resistance. I’m proud of my state, but nobody in the country should be forced to wear them.
After all, they don’t stop the virus and harm us physically and psychologically. Government tyrants insist we wear them to make us compliant.
It’s a form of control.
I was walking through a local grocery store recently and I noticed quite a few people were refusing to wear the masks. I wanted to applaud each and every one of them. However, most were wearing light-colored disposable masks. At the very least, they could wear garish bandanas and look like outlaws, but most people don’t want to stand out. Then it hit me. Instead of masks, I imagined them all sucking on pacifiers. I imagined their parents as the government tyrants—telling them what to do, when to go to bed (curfews), how to play, and what to think. Their obedient citizens were obeying without question, child-like. Mommy and Daddy are only trying to keep their toddlers safe, after all. Many tyrants see us as mewling babies who couldn’t exist without their help. As their children, they think they own us while they order us about with threats of isolation, fines or even brute force spankings.
At the checkout line a grumpy mask-wearing man behind me said I wasn’t properly lined up. I could not hear him clearly. I wasn’t at the proper distance or something. Then he noticed I wasn’t wearing a mask. “You’re not even wearing a mask!” he muffled. I ignored him, but I wanted to wheel around and say “Cool it, Dr. Fauci.” However, two grown men exchanging insults could quickly escalate into fisticuffs, and my right cross isn’t what it used to be. So I ignored him. The government loves teachers’ pets such as him, though…and they know that peer pressure will do most of the enforcement work for them. China knows this and it’s why they have block captains who enjoy their power trips by hectoring, spying, and tattling on their neighbors.
Before we as a nation descend into a ChiCom-style nightmare that the globo-socialists have planned for us, we need to start rebelling.
We need to assert our independence and Constitutional rights.
Will we finally grow up and realize our government ‘parents’ have been abusive? When their mandatory vaccines threaten our ability to work or travel—along with our very lives, then we’ll know we let them get away with their abuse for far too long. We have no choice but to resist and push back.
If not, we won’t be sent to look into a corner for a few hours. We’ll be sent to government gulags.
—Ben Garrison